Sunday, February 28, 2010

Looooong Day

I am completely BEAT. I got in at 11am and ended up working my morning shift plus picking up for another server and working at night. I worked over 12 hours. By mid afternoon I had already beat out all the other servers in sales by several hundred. By the end of the night I had done almost $1,400 total sales which is amazing. But that also meant my tip out came to an astounding $41. OMFG! Highest I have tipped out yet!

But I did walk out with $178 after that tipshare, which is my new record so far :) It would have been a lot more though had I not had so many flamboyant verbal tippers. We all know what verbal tippers mean...."You're so wonderful, everything was great!" *10% tip*

I did completely bomb a table tonight. Like horribly and I'm ashamed. I'm surprised they even left me the $1 and some change after most of their meal was comped. I fucked up and I knew it. Damn. It's like one thing went wrong and I just kept making more mistakes! :(


  1. I would consider it a great day if I got to work 12 hours for almost $15.00 an hour. Sweeeeet.

    Nicely done. Enjoy putting your feet up, you deserve it.

  2. Ah, don't get to. Gotta work in 3 hours and I'm so sore it's unreal.
