Friday, February 12, 2010

V-Day Weekend

I don't have much to say lately, and that's not very fun for blogland. But surprisingly none of my customers have been out of this world annoying, shocking, or even story worthy nice. Just middle of the road, some OK, some you want to never serve again. But nothing that stands out. I suppose that could be a good thing depending on how you look at it.

I have been working as much as possible because my boyfriend is out of town for a few weeks and frankly...I have nothing better to do than work because I'm short on cash. I'm scheduled to work 4 days with one extra shift this week, which meant I had today and tomorrow off. Now, it's valentine's Day weekend- I want to work Saturday too! I'm already working a double on Sunday, but I posted a "I want to work Saturday!" note on the board at work, and last night thankfully somebody came forward and gave me their night shift.

This could be an interesting weekend. I'll report back.

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