Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings

I say this is going to be MY year.

I finished the last semester with straight As.
I know what school I want to go to.
I have a decent job.

And most important of all, I left that sorry excuse for a man referred to as my now ex husband. The verbally, mentally, emotionally abusive coward. I am really pissed off at myself for putting up with his mistreatment for all those years, but you know what? Now I know what I won't tolerate in a relationship. And it has helped me to find the best relationship I've ever had with a wonderful man. Sometimes I think of him as my gift. My reward for putting up with all I did for so many years.

This blog has no unifying theme....I'm not even sure what to write today for that matter. It's purpose is simply to write about whatever I want, the good and the bad. Everything from relationships, to funny/horrific adventures in my waitress job, to rants.....just about everything.


  1. Good job getting out of the bad relationship--that's really a tough things to do. It's going to be a great year. :)
