Thursday, January 7, 2010

Unusual Thursday

Thursdays are never spectacular at my restaurant for most of the staff, I'm no exception. So when I work on Thursdays, I have a "fuck it" attitude; like I don't expect much so I'll just relax about trying to make a certain amount. I had the same attitude today.

Wow. Today was awesome! In general, not just Thursday standards. I made $94 in 4 hours after tipping out $17. I think I only had one tip that was under 20%, and it was 15% so not horrible. I had a few over 20% as well, even though my tables were cranky because the bar ran out of tall beer mugs and were on an at least 10 minute wait for beers. All my people were understanding and showed me the love.

Now I'm nervous....will my great night be followed with a horrible one tomorrow night? God I hope not.

I also informed my manager starting the 18th I had open availability and wanted to work 5 days a week. I was nervous that she would tell me there wasn't room on the schedule to do so, so I asked. She goes "For sure we have room!" I think she loves that I made myself open for this semester because I'm sure half of my coworkers just trimmed down their availabilities in half for school schedules.

I'm so tired. But it's that good, satisfied tired you get after working a good shift.